SMSCS Position on Concussions 

  • The SMSCS supports the Concussion in Sport Group Consensus Statement at the international level and Parachute Canada at the national level. We design all provincial programs with the supporting information gathered by these governing bodies.
  • The Sports Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan (SMSCS) recognizes that concussion in sport is a public health issue that requires a multi-sectoral approach. 
  • Many organizations involved in sport, including the SMSCS, are working to reduce the incidence of concussions and improve concussion outcomes for athletes and sport participants. 
  • The SMSCS is passionate and available to aid all PSGB’s improve or create policies surrounding concussion recognition, management, and return to sport. Our consultants are experts in their field and utilize the information from international and national bodies to aid the sports groups in their efforts to improve the safety of competition through policy and education.