The Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan provide consulting services in both Sport Medicine and Sport Science areas to designated athletes and coaches in Saskatchewan (eg. provincial sport governing bodies). The following are the science and medicine disciplines the SMSCS utilizes to provide consulting services and programming:
- Exercise Physiologist
- Biomechanist
- Strength and Conditioning Specialist
- Mental Trainer
- Sport Dietitian
- Sport Physical Therapist
- Certified Athletic Therapist
- Sport Physician
- Sport Massage Therapist
- Sport Chiropractor
The SMSCS has established a set of minimum standards for Consultant Qualifications for each of the above disciplines.
Exception Note: A Sport Designation is not required to provide Medical Coverage at Sport Events. However, priority is ALWAYS given to those that have their designation.
BENEFITS of Being an SMSCS Consultant:
- The opportunity to represent the Council and be selected to provide consulting services on a fee for service basis.
- Email Newsletter (3 times yearly).
- The opportunity to be listed on the Council’s website as a consultant in the area you have been approved for by the SMSCS.
- The opportunity to apply for funding for Professional Development.
- The opportunity to rent medical equipment at reduced rates.
- Reduced registration fee for professional development seminars/conferences hosted by the Council.
- General liability and malpractice insurance for any services provided on behalf of the SMSCS.
The Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan is comprised of groups and individuals from a diversity of scientific and medical disciplines who are committed to promoting safe and healthy participation in competitive sport and to supporting and optimizing competitive sport performance through the delivery of high quality and evidence based sport medicine and science services to our clients with a priority on the Sask Sport Inc. membership.
Sport Taping Workshop | Resource Materials & Information | Mental Performance Services |
Sport First Aid Workshop | Sport 1st Aid Supplies & Kits Program | Biomechanics Services |
Drug Education & Awareness Program | Medical Coverage of Events Program | Canadian Sport Centre-Sask (Services Contract) |
Nutritional Supplements Education Program | Medical Equipment Loan & Rental Program | Marketing Program (Sponsorship, Promotion) |
Sport Nutrition Services | Movement Screens and Fitness Testing | Strength and Conditioning Services |
Exercise Equipment and Supplies Sales Program | Professional Development Seminars/ Conferences | Sleep & Performance Education Sessions |
Sport Medicine Services (Initial Injury Assessment Program; Injury care, prevention, and rehabilitation) | Sport Medicine Education Sessions (eg. Warm up/cool down; EAP’s, recognition and care of common sport injuries, etc.) | Other Special Projects |
Exercise Physiology Services | Concussion Education & Management Program | Professional Development Grant Program |
The Council provides numerous sport medicine and science programs and services (see chart) to the “user group” membership of Sask Sport Inc. (eg. PSGB’s, CAS, Sport Districts, etc.), to its own “provider group” membership (SASM, SPC-SK, SATA, CSMTA-SK, CAS), as well as its consultant groups.
Individuals interested in becoming a member of the Council can do so by becoming a member of one of the Council’s provider groups:
– Saskatchewan Academy of Sports Medicine
– Sport Physiotherapy Canada- Saskatchewan Division
– Saskatchewan Athletic Therapists Association
– Chiropractors Association of Saskatchewan
– Canadian Sport Massage Therapists Association- SK Chapter
– University of Regina, Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies
– University of Saskatchewan, College of Kinesiology
Individuals interested in becoming a consultant must complete an application form and submit to the Council for approval. Contact: Stacey Silzer, Coordinator of Safety & Professional Development ( ph.306-780-9446, e: if you would like to become a consultant.
Sport Science Consultant Application Form
Client Reference Letter Template
Employer Reference Letter Template
Strength Training Practical Accountability Template
Sport Medicine Consultant Application Form
Service Provider Application Form (Medical Coverage at Events)
The SMSCS has established a set of minimum standards for Consultant Qualifications for each of the above disciplines. These minimum standards can be found on the Council’s website at Final approval must be granted by the SMSCS’s Board of Directors. Exception Note: A sport specific medical designation is not required to provide Medical Coverage at Sport Events. However, priority is ALWAYS given to those that have their designation.