Programs & Services
Welcome to the Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan. As a leading authority in sport medicine and science, we offer a wide range of programs & services to support athletes, coaches, and organizations within the provincial sporting community. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care and innovative solutions to enhance athletic performance, prevent injuries, and promote overall well-being.
Achieve your full potential with our diverse array of training and educational programs. We offer tailored training regimens, strength and conditioning, nutritional guidance, physiological testing, and cutting-edge methodologies to optimize athletic abilities and gain a competitive edge.

We believe in a holistic approach to sport and athletics. Out team of experts can provide personalized mental performance, nutritional counseling and education on sleep and performance to assist you in achieving your goals. Allow us to help you maximize your athletic performance and unlock your full potential.
Prevention is key. Our professionals provide comprehensive injury prevention strategies, including biomechanical assessments, injury risk analysis, and targeted interventions to minimize the likelihood of sport-related injuries. Initial Injury Assessment and Recovery Planning is also available.

Our medical coverage at sporting events includes trained and certified personnel equipped with first aid supplies and equipment to ensure the safety and well-being of all attendees. We can also ensure that your First Aid Kits and Supplies are up to date. SMSCS is a great resource for sport wrapping and taping techniques as well as sport injury prevention and care. Book your sessions today.
Empower yourself with knowledge through our educational workshops. Covering a wide range of topics including injury prevention, nutrition, self massage, concussion education and performance optimization, our workshops are designed to educate and inspire athletes, coaches, and sport enthusiasts.