Mental Performance Qualifications (effective January 1, 2021) 


  • Minimum of a Master’s Degree in Kinesiology, Science, Arts, or Education with relevance in sport psychology or sport mental skills.


  • As of January 1, 2021, all new mental performance consultant applicants must have one of the following prior to applying:

Services Provided (Core Competencies)

  • Parent-Athlete-Coach-Relations
  • Communication Skills
  • Team Building and Group Dynamics
  • Attentional control (focus/ concentration)
  • Emotional control (stress management)
  • Arousal control
  • Self-awareness
  • Goal Setting
  • Mental Imagery
  • Self-Talk
  • Routines before, during and after competition
  • Ideal Performance State
  • Mental Toughness Training
  • Maximizing effectiveness of practice

Updated as of January 2021